A personal style to understanding gastronomy
We want to make a fine, elegant, delicate cuisine. A cuisine of time. Just enough time to achieve the right cooking point for the main produce of the dish and enough time for the rest of the ingredients that make up the dish to be in perfect harmony. A cuisine with flavours that you will recognise, that will take you back to other times in your life, because they are simple, sincere and close to you. They are obviously influenced by my vision of cuisine, by my experience over the years, during which I have also felt at home in La Rioja.
I am from Buenos Aires, my curiosity for cooking was awakened in my family surroundings when I was still a child. I learnt to cook according to the canons of French cuisine at the Lycée Français in my home town, but my entire career in Spain is linked to La Rioja and the Basque Country, gastronomies that I know and, above all, that fascinate me.
I arrived in Spain in 2001. The restaurant Casa Masip in Ezcaray was my first home. Followed by Zortziko from Bilbao, Portalón from Logroño and Hotel Villa de Laguardia. I was head chef at Hotel Viura in Villabuena de Álava and in December 2018 I realised my dream of opening my own restaurant with Zuriñe Ortiz, my wife.
Un estilo personal de entender la gastronomía
Queremos hacer una cocina fina, elegante, delicada. Una cocina del tiempo. Del tiempo justo para alcanzar cocciones adecuadas al producto central del plato y del tiempo necesario para que el resto de ingredientes que lo componen se encuentren en perfecta armonía. Una cocina de sabores que vas a reconocer, que te van a trasladar a otros momentos de tu vida, porque son sencillos, sinceros y cercanos. Están obviamente tamizados por mi visión de la cocina, por mi experiencia a lo largo de estos años en los que en La Rioja me he sentido también como en casa.
“Mi cocina es pura transmisión de emociones, despierta los sentidos”

The local product, a priority of the restaurant
Those of us chefs who want traditional cuisine to be the basis of our work, albeit with a new vision, cannot lose sight of the product. We must demand that everything that comes from our land, our seas and our skies be given the high consideration it deserves at our table. Many people have worked for it before
Local raw materials, a priority for the restaurant
Those of us chefs who want traditional cuisine to be the basis of our work, albeit with a new vision, cannot lose sight of the product. We must demand that everything that comes from our land, our seas and our skies be given the high consideration it deserves at our table. Many people have worked for it before us.
"Haute Cuisine can also be Traditional"